Our Students

At present in the system of Uva Education there area about 288000 Students According to their medium of studies there are about 235000 Sinhala medium students while there are about 53000 Tamil medium students.Further, out of the total number of student population, around 54000 of them study in national schools where as 234000 get their education from the provincial schools.

Our Teachers

Currently about 20500 teachers serve in the school system in Central Province. 3016 of them render their service in the national schools in the province where as the rest serve in the provincial schools. although all of them make a tremendous effort to up lift Central Province Education.there are Currently about about 23500 Sinhala ,3000 Tamil medium teachers

Our School

Department of Education central province with the assistanceThe schools in are monitored the by of 10 Zonal Education offices and 23 Divisional Education offices. The total number of schools in the province are 901 .\according to the medium of studies thus, there are 694 schools delivering their studies in Sinhala medium while the rest 207 schools follow Tamil medium.